
W2: 3D scranner

Object: 9cm height

Scranning: 30mins+


Open in 3Dmax:

Information comes from Auckland university website.


A 3D scanner is a device that will scan and record the three-dimensional form of a real world object and convert it to a 3D digital model.
Output: There are various filetypes and outputs available. By default the 3D scanner outputs a surface but a solid can easily be created from this, either in Dr. Piczar or later on in the likes of

. The 3D scanner will give you a model in STL format or as a POINT CLOUD or in TXT which is mainly of use in Rhino . The most common of all filetype outputs is DXF which almost all 3D programs can read. Media Centre recommends you use this last filetype when you are using the 3D scanner.

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