
W4,2drawings, camera vs pencil drawing technic

1.The camera vs pencil : story of sustenance

The story is begin from my cousin, I asked him what type of building you want to have in the future when he was playing with toys. He said that he wants the building like "transformer" which can transfer to what he wants. By analyzed  this, I think the sustenance for new generations and for architects is not the physical things like objects, is more about the mental sustenance. That is the imagination and productive thinking.

site form downtown,lots of apartments
tear up the paper: The reason I chose to tear up the paper is others were using a paper "put" on the site.
I was thinking why I cannot use the paper which is teared up.
digital edit


2.The camera vs pencil : an object which remain your sustenance

I chose coffee as my sustenance for my experiments, like every day I need to totally wake up myself by coffee, otherwise I feel sleepy and cannot concentrate on what tutors say. And the coffee culture in Auckland is quite imporatant and coffee became part of thier lives. You can see many people in the moring, there have take away coffee in their hand. For example, today I entried to Architecture building, I can smell the coffee when the elevator was opening, although there wasnt anyone inside.

same technique with last one

thick black pen, outline the object and some details

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