
W4:Architecture Reality

Pencil Vs Camera OR Imangination Vs Reality: BEN HEINE

His blog : http://benjaminheine.blogspot.com/

How did you come up with the idea for Pencil Vs Camera?

…The real idea came while I was watching television and writing a letter at the same time a few weeks ago. Reading my letter before putting it in the envelope, I saw in transparency the television behind the paper. I then realize it would be great to make something similar in a single image showing 2 different actions.

The great thing is that photo and drawing are 2 different ways of expression but they go well together and they definitely have the same purpose: share an idea, an emotion, a concept or a message.

From: http://thenextweb.com/shareables/2011/03/20/the-pencil-vs-camera-collection-could-change-your-worldview/


Works in two days : 1.chose an object represent
                                 2.A drawing that tell a story

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